Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Graphic Organizers

Inspiration and kidspiration are two graphic organizers tools that teachers, students or anyone can use to make a graphic organizer. A graphic organizer is a outline of information using texts and/or graphics. Most common are Venn diagrams, Webs, and flow charts. Inspiration can be used in the classroom as a way to keep track and organize thoughts, ideas, links and definitions of topics. Like keeping track of characters, settings and plot of a story. Inspiration is a great tool, because it allows people to spruce up their organizer with color, effects and graphics to make them interesting and not boring. One of the biggest advantage for using this in the classroom is to take a large amount of information and condense it to a small organizer that is student friendly. Using this in class will help students take notes and keep them engaged and on track. I used inspiration 9 recently. It was a fun and easy to use. And the best part is you can easily convert your organizer to a word document to share with others. My topic was verb tenses. I covered the past, present and furture tenses for verbs and gave examples. Enjoy...

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